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Free & Affordable Homeschool Resources
We are back with even more fun and creative homeschool free and affordable resources to add a little extra jazz to your homeschool curriclum. Happy learning!
Featured Resource
FREE GUIDE: Reading Secrets What Your Child Really Needs To Know!
Free & Affordable Homeschool Resources
- Read the latest issue of The Homeschool Quest mobile magazine! It's filled with articles, links to free and affordable printables and other helpful resources you can use on the go.
- Free Impromptu Speaking Lesson! This free mini lesson will prepare your kids to answer questions using full sentences and a circle speech structure. We've also provided 52 prompts so they can practice this skill regularly at home using fun questions they will love to answer!
- Knowable World Level 1: History Detectives. Give your child the world with Knowable World! Each weekly open-and-go lesson includes short videos, hands-on activities, and ideas for further exploration. Try it out for only $9/month!
- Heartbeat Award Growth Quest: An Online Transformative Program for Teens. Through three enriching phases—Hope, Empowerment, and Resilience—your children have the potential to find purpose, become resilient young adults, and uncover life's deeper meaning.
- The Ultimate Early Learning Workbook! Packed with 115 fun and interactive activities, this early learning workbook will keep your child excited about learning.
- FREE Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone Novel Study! Dive into the enchanting realm of literature, language, and creativity! This captivating curriculum is specially designed to ignite your child's imagination while nurturing vital language arts skills.
- Snail Mail, Revived. Mindful Mail is a snail mail subscription that delivers intentional, wholesome moments right to your mailbox. Start now for just $8/month! Use Coupon Code: FIRSTLETTERFREE to get the first letter of the series free of charge
- Improve your child's skills in language arts across reading, writing, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary. Night Zookeeper takes the stress out of teaching language arts by making it genuinely fun and engaging for your kids. Start your 7-day FREE trail!
Grammar & Writing Resources
Writing and grammar are essential life skills, from communication to future job opportunities and more. It is a true educational necessity, which is why we have gathered these great free and affordable resources to make it easier for you.
Grammar Resources
- Punctuation Cheat Sheet
- Prepositions Hands on Grammar Activities ($5.50)
- Grammar Poster Printables
- Active and Passive Voice Worksheets
- Subject-Verb Agreement Game Printables
- Crimes Against Writing - Grammar Activity Pack ($1.50)
- Capitalization Worksheets
- Parts of Speech Worksheets & Activities
- Essay Writing Worksheets
- Grammar detective parts of speech printables
- Kindergarten Writing Sentences Worksheets
- Silly Sentence Activity
- DIY Folded Book Printable
- Expanding sentences activity
- Fall Roll and write printables
- Grammar Bingo
- 4 Types of Sentences Worksheets & Activities ($2)
Learn More About Our Featured Resource

Do You Want to Be The Homeschool Mama Who Never Struggles With Teaching Reading?
This new guide reveals the top 3 secrets every homeschool mama needs to know about teaching reading skills.
With this guide you'll be able to:
- Immediately identify the important reading skills your child needs... even if you've tried before and failed
- Build your confidence in your ability to teach crucial reading skills
- Finally eliminate the stress of teaching reading!
Click here to download the guide for FREE!
Read The Homeschool Quest Magazine!

Patterns In The Park: Explore Engineering Concepts In Nature
By Lauren Schroeder, Salt And Lightspeed
If you want to add a little bit more intentionality into your study of nature, you can look for some specific patterns that show up in many different parts of nature. Here are a few specific patterns to look for:
1. Collect pinecones and look at the bottom. You’ll notice that the pinecone is made up of spirals going both to the left and right. The number of these spirals will be numbers on the fibonacci sequence! This famous sequence shows up everywhere in nature. Try having your kids paint the spirals different colors to help them see the pattern!
2. Find all the types of seeds you can, and see if you and your child can figure out what mechanisms the seed uses to travel! Do the seeds travel on the wind using wings or hairs that catch the breeze? Do they rely on animals or water to carry them away from their parent plant?
3. Have your child look around and tell you what stands out to them. Is it a red raspberry on a backdrop of green leaves? A yellow daisy? Plants and animals use color contrast for communication or camouflage, or to attract pollinators or repel predators. Talk about why each of those examples might have developed color contrast!
Find this article and much more in the Homeschool Quest magazine.