5 Ways to Help Students Develop Better Math Skills

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By Ingrid Moats Of  Tampa Bay Test Prep

As homeschooling parents, we want to give our students the best and empower them with the skills they need for the future. And as part of the best, there are certain steps that help students to master math, no matter what their curriculum. Here are five ways to help them to improve their math skills.

Explain their thoughts

1. Ask them to explain their thoughts as they work through the problems. Simple questions like the following can help you to understand what they are thinking and help them to better understand their math.

a. How did you get that answer?

b. Can you explain your thoughts?

c. Why did you choose to do that next?

Consistent schedule

2. Have a consistent schedule for learning math. Math takes time to learn and practice. Having regular math lessons daily will help your children remember their math better than math every now and then. Pick a time when students are fresh and not tired. If they get tired easily, multiple short sessions may be more effective than just one session.

Real life experiences

3. Provide real life experiences where students use math. Examples of real-life experiences students have can include cooking, shopping, and building. These experiences make it easier to learn math.

Consistently review

4. Have students consistently review their mistakes. When a student misses a question, focus on making it a learning experience instead of focusing on the fact that it is wrong. Have them tell you why they missed it. Talk through it together. Then have them redo their missed questions. That will help them to remember why they missed it.

Review activities

5. Include review activities in your homeschooling. By including review activities, your students will be less likely to forget what they have learned. And it will make math easier as they get into higher levels.

At Tampa Bay Test Prep, we teach students math strategies that help them to learn math better. We take them from working through real life examples to solving tough math problems. We specialized strategies that help them to develop a deeper understanding of math and help build confidence.

Reach us at support@tampabaytestprep.com, to find out more about how we help students with personalized plans to help them enjoy and master math.

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