Guest Article Submissions

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Would you like to write a guest article for the Homeschool Quest digital magazine and blog? Share your article ideas with us and your experience on the topic using the form below.

Our magazine is shared with our Facebook group with over 218,000 members and our newsletter list with 40,000 subscribers. The best part? It is completely free to submit a guest article!

If we like the idea and have the space, we'll ask you to send us a short article.

Guest articles include:

  • 100-200 word mini article in the magazine with a byline with your business or blog name.
  • Up to 1000-word article on our blog with a byline and link to your business website or blog.
  • You will be listed in our contributors section in the magazine.
  • The content will remain exclusive to the Homeschool Quest.

For our next issue we are looking for articles focusing on Interest-Based Learning & Extracurricular Activities

We are looking for articles written for homeschooling parents on topics:

  • Tips & tricks to add extracurricular activities to your homeschool
  • How to enroll your kids in public school extracurriculars
  • How to add more art and music appreciation to your homeschool
  • Fun ways to do PE
  • How to discover your child's interests and passions
  • How to create a unit study based on your children's interests
  • How to customize or extend your curriculum for your child's special interests
  • How to find time for extracurricular activities
  • We are open your ideas too!

We are also looking for articles for future issues:

  • Your homeschooling success stories and accomplishments
  • Homeschool tips and tricks
  • Your homeschool routine
  • Your homeschooling experiences
  • Why you decided to homeschool
  • Funny homeschooling stories
  • Encouragement for other homeschooling parents
  • Opinions and thoughts on homeschooling topics
  • Your homeschooling advice

What We Don't Want

  • Educational articles targeted to children. Our magazine is targeted to homeschooling parents.
  • Promotional articles about products, curriculum, or classes. 
  • Curriculum round ups.
  • Opinions or reviews of curriculum.

We are looking for exclusive content for the magazine, so please send us ideas, not articles that have been published elsewhere. Once we send you an acceptance email, you can start writing the article.

Here are a couple of tips for writing articles for The Homeschool Quest:

  • If you are using AI to assist your writing process, be sure to re-word at least 75% of it so it has your own personal touch.
  • Remove any self-promotion from the article. We will include a bio with a link to your website on the blog and a link to your website on the magazine contributors page.
  • Make the article more personable and conversational, so people are able to get a behind the scenes peek into your homeschool.

Here are a few examples of the guest articles in the magazine. Click the cover below to flip through it:

If you want to share an article promoting your business or products, click here to learn more about our blog ads. 

Article Submission Form

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