Fun Science Experiments, Activities & Printables

<em>Edit Post</em> Make Learning Math Fun With Dinosaur Themed Printables

Homeschooling can be a great way to learn, but it can also be fun! With the right resources, you can make sure that your children are having a blast while still getting the education they need. We have compiled an exciting list of homeschool resources that include a crazy mix of science, Christmas, reading, writing, and even cookies!

Fun Science Activities

Free Christmas Printables & Activities

Featured Homeschool Resource

<em>Edit Post</em> Make Learning Math Fun With Dinosaur Themed Printables

Reading Secrets: The Parent's Guide to Phonics is a free ebook for parents of young children who are just starting their reading journey. 

It is written to give parents a better understanding of how to approach phonics instruction with young children, as well as practical tips to make teaching their child easier. 

This ebook gives parents insights into little understood concepts that make phonics easier for both parents and children. Parents will learn about the actual number of letter sounds children need to learn to start reading, the most misunderstood letter sound and why focusing on letter names is not a useful strategy when teaching reading skills.

To make teaching come alive parents are also given practical examples and advice including why teaching nonsense words actually helps children learn how to read better. As well as how to add fun into teaching phonics at home.

Click here to get this special deal!