A Simple Approach to Health Education: 4 Pillars To Build A Solid Foundation With Your Kids

Nature Schooling: Take Your Homeschool Outside!

By Ashton Tate of The F.O.R.M. Curriculum

Have you ever found that the health education part of homeschooling can feel very challenging? Homeschool parents often have so much on their plate. There is so much to do and seemingly not enough time to do it. We want to have control over what our kids are taught so we can raise them up with a solid foundation but often times health and PE can feel left out. 

When it comes down to it, many homeschool parents feel overwhelmed when trying to teach their kids about health and how to steward their bodies. There is so much information out there and we never feel qualified to teach our kids about health because we don't feel like we even understand the right principles to be healthy.

But you do have what it takes! You don't have to be a health expert to teach your kids the simple principles they need to succeed. You just need simple frameworks that will act as a filter so your kids will comprehend and apply what they are learning. Let’s talk through 2 quick tips that can act as a filter when starting to teach your kids about health!  

Keep it simple.

We don’t have an information problem in America, we have an application problem. Google “how to be healthy” and you’ll find 9.6 billion results. An average health or physical education textbook can be 300+ pages. Sometimes the more information we give students, the less they apply it. 

The key to health education is keeping it simple. We need to provide students with the right amount of the right information, helping them apply simple principles by constructing basic frameworks that fit into their young lives.

We break down health education into four simple pillars. These pillars are the 4 areas of health they need to focus on in every season of life. As long as they have a simple routine in these areas they will have a great chance of thriving in every season.

1. Functional Fitness:

This pilar is about creating a simple routine for how to move consistently. We encourage kids to get outside as much as possible. Encourage them to play sports, games, explore, etc. Our bodies were made to move and the more we partner with that design, the better we will feel.

2. Optimal Nourishment:

Learning how to fuel our bodies with the right nutrients. Help your kids understand the foundational principles of nutrition. Teach them how to live in a balance where they have healthy sources of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fruits/veggies with every meal. But where they can also enjoy “treats” from time to time too!

3. Rest and Recovery:

Learning how to create preventative and restorative routines for managing stress and replenishing the mind and body. This is about being at peace. Help them learn about sleep, rest, stress management, stretching, and other things they can do to help them be their best for the long run.

4. Multiplied Maintenance:

Learning how to sustain the first three pillars both personally and in community with others. Teach them how to set correct goals, surround themselves with quality people, how to fit health practically into their lifestyle, and to limit social media.

All the information we teach fits into these four pillars so that, in the mind of a student, healthy living remains simple as life becomes complicated. Students will be able to apply a routine of these four pillars in any stage of life they face. 

Goals and Application

We must help our kids understand that our health should serve us and enable us to serve others better, not the other way around. We must help them set goals in their health that directly empower them to do the things they love and empower them to serve others better and have the energy and confidence to do all they aspire to do. They must know why health matters in their lives.

Help your kids evaluate their passions and ask the question, “What does my health need to look like to be able to do_____?” Then, help them to formulate steps they can take to accomplish this. Challenge them to practice what they are learning, in the real world, outside of the “class” setting. If they can apply these things while under your covering, they will be much more likely to continue after they graduate.

With these two simple tips as a filter, you can start to simplify how you approach health education so it is lifegiving to you and your family! 

Nature Schooling: Take Your Homeschool Outside!

Ashton Tate is the founder of Glory to Glory Fitness in Nashville, TN and the creator of The F.O.R.M. Curriculum. He partners with homeschool families and Christian schools all over America. His mission is to equip and empower health educators so every homeschool student in America can have a quality health education. His work has been featured in publications such as USA Today and Fox News.

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