From The Community: Tips For Outdoor Activities

Nature Schooling: Take Your Homeschool Outside!

Imagine a classroom without walls, where rock flipping unveils intricate ecosystems, tree branches become tools for crafting nature bracelets, and every footstep on a nature walk leads to new discoveries.

For homeschoolers seeking to add a touch of adventure and hands-on learning to their educational journey, the natural world offers endless possibilities.

Join us as we delve into the realm of outdoor activities specially curated by the vibrant community of homeschoolers, sharing tips and tricks that bridge the gap between academics and nature's wonders.

Nature Art

"Art! We make accessories to wear using twigs and leaves. We love painting and drawing using berries, stones, and nectar. In the winter time, we make ice globes, ice ornaments, and igloos!" Tiffany Campo

Outdoor Play

"Nature walks, catching bugs. Sand box and mud play, the dirtier they are the happier they are. Kiddie pool for of water and ball pit balls with a slide into it." Koda N Mariah Smithey

Nature Walks

"Nature walks, wading in the creek and looking for rocks (and panning for gold), hiking to fire towers, gardening, looking fir bugs/amphibians." Erika Lee

Nature Activities

"Sidewalk chalk obstacle courses, water table relays using dish soap and foam letters to make words, dirt pile excavations, nature scavenger hunts for neighborhood or forest walks, cloud watching for either cloud types or what we think we see in clouds (dinosaurs, animals, etc), egg carton “treasure” hunt-finding small things for egg carton spaces, can do certain colors or textures and kids need to find objects." ~ Jessica Noel Shrout


"Hammered art using flowers or leaves, packing tape nature pictures (sticking flowers and leaves into the tape to create pictures in cardboard frames), gathering flowers and leaves for laminated bookmarks." Jessica Noel Shrout

Rainbow Spotting

"We love to look for the rainbow when we are going on a nature walk, just something of each rainbow colour that we can spot in the nature around us." Sophie Overton

Rock Flipping

"Rock flipping! We love going to shallow creeks too gently flip rocks looking for critters like snakes and salamanders." ~ Vanessa Nedrow

Nature Bracelets

"Make a nature bracelet! Equip each kid with a masking tape bracelet, sticky side out. Let them add to it while you explore." Melissa Muir

Rock Shop

"Our kids have a “rock shop”, where they collect rocks from around our farm. They each display them and barter or trade for the ones they want most!" Brit Young

Year-Round Activities

"Warmer months are spent outside as much as possible, even if that means bringing out ‘class work’ outside. They help me in the garden and help daddy with yard work. They also help with the animals year round and each have a specific ‘job’ with a specific animal." ~ Krysta Todd

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