Introduce Your Kids to the Amazing World of Trees!

<em>Edit Post</em> Sravya Rao: My Homeschooling Success Story

Homeschool Printables, Games &amp; Activities

Are you looking to add some variety to your homeschool curriculum? Learning about arts, crafts, trees, and bugs can be a great way to spark your child's creativity and enthusiasm for learning. With the right resources and instruction, your kids can gain valuable knowledge in a fun and interactive manner. From understanding the life cycle of trees to creating their own works of art, these activities and printables is sure to be a hit with any homeschool student!

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Learn About Trees

Introducing your kids to the amazing world of trees can be a great way to enrich their homeschooling experience. Trees make up an essential part of our ecosystem. Learn how to identify trees based on their leaves or bark and all about the tree lifecycle with these fun printables!

Coloring Pages

Online Lessons About Trees


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<em>Edit Post</em> Sravya Rao: My Homeschooling Success Story

Picasso portrait drawing lesson

Learn to draw portraits. This is a 13-page PDF downloadable art lesson on how to use oil pastel on white paper to draw a Picasso style portrait. You get step-by-step easy to follow instructions. I also include practice sheets.

Click here to buy now for $6.97

Bonus Video

How to blend oil pastels Step by Step - A smoothing technique


Free Nature Writing Prompt Printable Notebook Pages

<em>Edit Post</em> Sravya Rao: My Homeschooling Success Story

Get your kids to practice their handwriting and creative writing skills

These nature prompts are perfect for homeschoolers ages 8-16. And the best part? All you need is a notebook, a pen, and a printer!

These prompts will not only help improve their handwriting skills, but also encourage them to think creatively and let their imaginations run wild. 

You'll get three sets of these writing prompts (that's 18 printable notebook pages):

  • Elementary (ages 6-10) Colorful illustrations that will capture their imagination, and wide ruled notebook pages with dotted lines for super short stories.
  • Middle school (ages 11-13) Illustrations they can color in and medium-sized notebook pages for short stories.
  • High School (ages 14-16) Draw your own illustration box with narrow ruled notebook pages for longer stories.

Click here to get these FUN writing prompts for free!

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Free History & Craft Class: Bizarre Inventions Throughout History

Join us for a free history craftivity class with Heather Huhman from Love of Learning Live. She will show patent pictures of bizarre (but real) inventions throughout history, and participants will guess the intended purpose of each before the big reveal.



Watch our latest class on YouTube!

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