I was homeschooled…here’s how I turned out.

Nature Schooling: Take Your Homeschool Outside!

By Abbey Allen of ARTventurous Animals

You’ve heard it before.

“But, will your homeschooler be able to *insert life goal/achievement*?”

I know the concerns come from a good place (right?), but they can be exhausting.

It’s actually crazy to me how often I had adults ask me this as a teenage homeschooler! Like, why are you putting that doubt into a child’s mind?

Really what they’re asking is, “Will your homeschooler be prepared for life?”

And honestly, that’s a pretty good question. With all that being said, I want to encourage you on your homeschool journey with this:

I graduated high school as a homeschooler, and I “turned out okay.”

Not sure what “turned out okay” means? Here are some of the common markers that people are usually concerned about when talking about preparedness for the real world:

Yes, I was able to get into college easily.


Yes, I was able to maintain good grades in college (I graduated summa cum laude!).


Yes, I was able to get a bachelor’s degree without any issues.


Yes, I was able to socialize enough to grow life-long friendships/relationships.


Yes, I was able to hold a consistent job for several years (it was a teaching job, actually).


Yes, I was able to start and sustain my own business.


And here are some other factors that I would consider important when discussing how I turned out:

  • I learned creativity and open-ended thinking.
  • I learned to appreciate nature and animals.
  • I learned to use my time to help others.
  • I learned entrepreneurial skills.
  • I learned how important family is.
  • And on, and on…

Here’s the reason I’m telling you this:
Your homeschooled kid is going to be okay. 

Remember why you’ve chosen the education path that you have. 

If you’re worried about your kids and college, do some research so that you’re prepared when that time comes.  If you’re worried about your kids getting the jobs they want, start them in internships (when age-appropriate) around topics they enjoy. 

If you’re worried about social skills, place your kids in situations where they can naturally interact with those older than them, younger than them, and their same age.

Homeschooling CAN prepare your kids for life—and prepare them well.

Nature Schooling: Take Your Homeschool Outside!

I’m Abbey Allen, owner of ARTventurous Animals. I’m a former homeschooler, elementary teacher turned homeschool mom, expat living in Thailand, and avid world traveler.


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