PRESCHOOL BOOTCAMP: How to Provide a Charlotte Mason-Style Preschool Experience by Morgan Schoenacker

Preschool Bootcamp - Members Only

Are you a homeschool parent looking to create an enriching preschool experience for your little one? Look no further than the 15-minute workshop designed by Morgan Schoenacker. This preschool bootcamp offers insightful strategies to provide a Charlotte Mason-style education at home. By incorporating nature study, living books, and art appreciation into your child's daily routine, you can cultivate a love for learning that will last a lifetime.

The beauty of the Charlotte Mason approach lies in its emphasis on hands-on learning and fostering curiosity in young minds. Through simple activities like outdoor exploration, reading aloud high-quality literature, and exposing children to beautiful artwork, parents can lay the foundation for a well-rounded education. By participating in this workshop, homeschooling parents will gain practical tips and resources to bring the principles of Charlotte Mason into their preschool curriculum with ease and enthusiasm.

Click here to download the two page summary and note taking pages.

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