Unschooling and Child-led Learning by Tiffany Campo

Are you a homeschooling parent looking for new ways to make learning fun for your children? Tiffany Campo's 15 minute workshop on unschooling is just what you need!

Unschooling is an educational approach that focuses on child-led learning and exploration, allowing kids to pursue their interests and passions while still hitting core subjects.

This workshop will provide practical tips and strategies for incorporating unschooling into your homeschool routine, making learning an exciting adventure for both you and your child.

During the workshop, parents will discover creative ways to incorporate core subjects like math, science, and language arts into everyday activities, turning mundane tasks into engaging learning opportunities. By embracing unschooling principles, parents can foster a love of learning in their children while still ensuring they meet academic benchmarks.

With Campo's guidance, you'll learn how to create a supportive environment that encourages curiosity and self-directed exploration, ultimately making homeschooling an enriching experience for the whole family.

Click here to download the two page summary and note taking pages.

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