Free Create Your Own Mythical Creature Class

Join us for a free 'create your own mythical creature' class with Heather Huhman from Love of Learning Live. Heather will guide participants step-by-step through the process of describing their mythical creature in such great detail that a partner can accurately draw it.

Preferably in advance of the live class, participants (including the adults!) will write about their creature in the provided booklet, leaving out any traits they don't want it to have. Heather will have her booklet on the screen as an example.

Then during the class, they will draw and color their creatures (but keep it a secret). Participants will give their completed booklets to a partner, who will then draw and color the creature based only on the booklet. (Feel free to draw Heather's mythical creature!) Once complete, the partners will exchange drawings to see how close they came to the original intent.

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