PRESCHOOL BOOTCAMP: How To Raise A Life-Long Learner by Janine Latulippe

In just 15 minutes, homeschool parents can gain valuable insights into raising lifelong learners. Janine Latulippe's workshop is like a burst of energy, equipping parents with practical tools to ignite their children's passion for learning. By focusing on instilling curiosity and fostering independence, this short but impactful session empowers parents to create an environment where learning thrives.

With the right techniques and mindset, parents can transform everyday interactions into teachable moments. Janine's approach encourages parents to embrace the joy of discovery alongside their children, recognizing that learning is a lifelong journey filled with wonder and excitement. Through this quick yet powerful workshop, homeschooling parents can set the stage for a future where their children are not just educated, but genuinely enthusiastic about exploring the world around them.

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