The Basics of What You Need for Successful Homeschooling


Sponsored Article By Heather Leach Of My Homeschool Village


Homeschooling is a journey that requires thoughtful planning, commitment, and a clear understanding of why you're doing it. As a homeschooling mom with 20 years of experience, I've found that reconnecting with my "why" is essential whenever I feel off-kilter or when our homeschooling isn't working as smoothly as I'd like.

Here’s how understanding your "why" can help you create a successful and fulfilling homeschooling experience.

Knowing Your Why

Understanding your reasons for homeschooling is crucial. Each of us has our own individual reasons, and it's important to reflect on these to stay motivated and focused. Here are some common reasons moms choose to homeschool:

  • Avoiding Public School: Many of us start homeschooling because we want to keep our kids out of the public school system. While this is a valid reason, it's often not enough to sustain you through the challenging years.
  • Preventing Bullying: Some of us start homeschooling to protect our children from bullying. This fear-based reason can be a strong motivator initially, but it might not keep you going in the long run.

To stay centered and committed, you need deeper, more enduring reasons for homeschooling. Let me share the three main reasons that drive my homeschooling journey and form the foundation of my homeschool village's principles.

The Three Pillars of Homeschooling

  • Building a Relationship with God: For me, the foremost reason for homeschooling is to help my children develop a relationship with God. Our daily activities and lessons are designed to focus on and strengthen this relationship.
  • Strengthening Family Relationships: I want my family to be close-knit. I aim for my children and me to be each other's best friends and biggest cheerleaders. Homeschooling allows us to build strong, supportive family bonds that last a lifetime.
  • Fostering Individual Talents and Gifts: I want my children to discover and develop their unique talents and gifts. By providing them with the freedom to explore their interests, they can figure out what they enjoy and what they excel at.

How to Implement These Pillars

  • Building a Relationship with God: Start by nurturing your own relationship with God. Your example and guidance are crucial for your children. Incorporate spiritual lessons and activities into your daily routine to help your children grow in their faith.
  • Strengthening Family Relationships: Be mindful of the dynamics in your homeschooling environment. Avoid rigid agendas that might strain your relationship with your children. Be flexible and willing to adapt your plans to support a harmonious and loving family atmosphere.
  • Fostering Individual Talents and Gifts: Give your children the freedom to explore different activities and subjects. Avoid curriculums that are overly controlling or that lead you away from your primary goals. Choose programs that encourage your children to develop their interests and strengths.

Choosing the Right Curriculum and Activities

When selecting a curriculum, ensure it supports your three pillars. Avoid programs that:

  • Over-control your children.
  • Detract from your family's relationship with God.
  • Interfere with your family time or fail to nurture your children's talents.

Evaluate extracurricular activities through the lens of your three pillars. Ask yourself:

  • Does this activity bring my child closer to God?
  • Does it benefit our family relationships?
  • Does it help my child develop their talents and interests?

Support from My Homeschool Village

At My Homeschool Village, we provide a curriculum that aligns with these principles. Our PreK through 12th-grade programs support your primary "why" by offering courses that uphold Christian values. We also offer a variety of classes and unit studies designed to strengthen family bonds and foster individual talents.

Our supportive community of homeschool parents and teachers is here to help you every step of the way. We provide the best in homeschool curriculums, programs, and live classes to ensure you and your child succeed.

Join My Homeschool Village

Try My Homeschool Village for free for 7 days and see how we can help you stay true to your "why" and provide your child with a fulfilling and successful education. Visit to get started today.

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