Homeschool Printables & Resources
Something I love about homeschooling is the fact that you can tailor your curriculum with resources that fit your family's budget. We truly believe everyone deserves a good education regardless of their budget, this is why we are so passionate about bringing you a roundup of awesome free and affordable printables, resources, and curriculum every week.
Featured Resources
Homeschool Science Project: 10 Days to Microgreens Superfood e-booklet
Free & Affordable Homeschool Resources
Read the latest issue of The Homeschool Quest pocket ezine! It's filled with articles, links to free and affordable printables and other helpful resources you can use on the go.
Continents Trace and Color Starter Workbook: Get your child excited about learning about the continents with this coloring and writing activity!
Nurture Your Homeschool - Curriculum planning checklist: Looking for the best curriculum? Use this checklist to feel confident and inspired about your homeschool plan.
Free Printable Library includes printable games, craft templates, coloring pages, activity pages, and a Science Activity Planner!
Homeschooling Teen Summit: Join us for five full days filled with tools, resources, encouragement, prizes and freebies!
Looking for a fun and affordable way to teach your kids about geography while also satisfying their wanderlust? Look no further than traveling through study! This allows you and your kids to explore the world from the comfort of your own home, making it an accessible option for anyone.
Geography is more than just memorizing continents and countries on a map. It's about understanding the world around us. From free printables to educational games, these free and affordable resources will be the map to your success!
World Geography
- Online World Geography Games
- Country Report Worksheets
- 7 Continents Printables
- Geography Quiz Games
- World Continents Flash Cards Printable
- Geography Words Dictionary
- World Geography Blank Maps Activity
- India Country Study
- Illustrated World Geography Worksheets
- Continents And Oceans Printable Pack
- World Map Activity Pack
- Kenya Country Study
- "Where in the World?" Mini-Geography Unit Study
- Geography Vocabulary Word Search
- World Map Poster Printable
- World Continents Flash Cards Printable
- Geography Words Dictionary
- World Geography Blank Maps Activity
- India Country Study
- Illustrated World Geography Worksheets
US Geography
Learn More About Our Featured Resource

Science + Delicious Food!
10 Days to Microgreens Superfood e-booklet
Growing microgreens is a great homeschool science project that provides tasty high nutrition food.
Here's What You'll Discover...
- Giani's easy to follow method to grow your own organic microgreens in your home so that you can enjoy these tasty and healthy greens all year round
- Learn a simple but valuable life skill while spending quality time with your family
- Grow produce for pennies per tray and keep your vegetables budgeting very affordable
- Bring more color, flavor, texture, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants to your food and add diversity and joy to your meals
- These mighty greens pack 4 to 40 times more bioavailable nutrients than the adult plants which translates into a health boost and reduces the need of some supplements
- Harvest in 7 to 12 days or even every 3 to 4 days if you plant them a few days apart so you can enjoy a continuous supply
Order your e-booklet short but complete course and save $10
Click here to buy now for only $19!
Introducing our Creative Writing & Reading Club For Homeschoolers!

Creative Writing & Reading For Creative Kids!
This weekly club teaches your kids writing skills through fun literature based activities and writing short stories. They will build their vocabulary, learn grammar, develop writing skills, and a whole lot more. It's so fun, they won't even realize it's schoolwork!
No Prep - Hands Off - Super Fun
This club is recommended for kids 8-12 or beginning writers to unleash their creativity. We host weekly live Creative Writing Club meet up to discuss our book of the month, do a fun craft, writing sessions and learn about new things.
No payment information required!
Get 1 month free access to the club in exchange for honest feedback. After your 1-month free access pass is over, we are offering the membership for $7 a month for the first 25 people to send their feedback. It is regularly $9 a month.
Click here to turn your kid's creativity into writing skills